Book Chapters
“X, the Ever-Evolving Talking Head, Going Pro, and the Post-Pandemic Self.” Chapter published in The Book of X: 10 Years of Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X. Carvalhais, Miguel et al, eds. Porto: i2ADS: Research Institute in Art, Design and Society, 2022.
“SVEN (Surveillance Video Entertainment Network): Looking Back and Forward.” Chapter published in Entautomatisierung. Brauerhoch, Annette, Norbert Otto Eke, Renate Wieser, and Anke Zechner, Hg., eds. Paderborn: Fink, Wilhelm, 2014.
“Live Visuals.” Book chapter for Daniels, Dieter and Sarah Naumann. Audiovisuology Compendium. Walther Konig, 2010. Also available online in German in the See This Sound encyclopedia.
“A History of Audiovisual Performance.” (Abstract here.) Book chapter, with Nick Collins for Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music, edited by Nick Collins and Julio d’Escrivan. Cambridge University Press, 2007 (Updated edition published December 2017.)
Selected Articles and Papers
Deep Hysteria: Toward a Constructive Approach to Algorithmic Bias. Published in Expanded Animation Conference on Animation and Interactive Art (Expanded ’24), part of the Expanded Animation conference at Ars Electronica 2024.
Deep Hysteria: What algorithmic bias tells us about our emotional perception of women. Published in the proceedings of xCoAx 2023, Summer, 2023.
“Always Only Once:” The paradox of preserving performative digital works. Published in the proceedings of ISEA 2022, June 2022. (alternate link)
The Algorithm is the Message: What the Robot Saw. Amy Alexander. Self-published, July 2020.
What the Robot Saw (Short version.) Published in the proceedings of xCoAx 2020.
On PIGS (Percussive Image Gestural System). Artists’ interview with audiovisual developers/performers Amy Alexander and Curt Miller. Amy Alexander and Curt Miller. Self-published, June 2018.
Chance processes, meaning, and the non-nihilistic. Presentation notes. Enhanced Vision session, SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community, SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles, August 2015.
Tap Dancing Drummers and Other Female Percussionists. September 2013.
About… Software, Surveillance, Scariness, Subjectivity (and SVEN) [revised and expanded version]. Published in Transdisciplinary Digital Art: Sound, Vision and the New Screen, edited by Randy Adams, Steve Gibson and Stefan Muller Arisona. Published by: Springer, 2008.
In the Future, No One will be Famous or The Downsizing of Celebrity and its Possible Effects on the Future of the New York Times Online Edition. Self-published and posted to the Nettime Mailing List, August, 2008.
About… Software, Surveillance, Scariness, Subjectivity (and SVEN) [short version].Published in online proceedings of Digital Art Weeks Conference, ETH, Zurich, July 2006.
The Code Behind the Screen. Essay from Transmediale ’03 Software art jury statement – with Margarete Jahrmann and David Rokeby.
Curator’s catalog essay for SoftSide exhibition at Sonar 2004, Barcelona, curated by Amy Alexander.
Quickview on Software Art with Florian Cramer, Matthew Fuller, Thomax Kaulmann, Alex McLean, Pit Schultz, and The Yes Men, interviewed by Olga Goriunova and Alexei Shulgin. 2003.
Readme 1.2 Jury Statement with Florian Cramer, RTMark, Alexei Shulgin.
Software Art Panel Transcript Feb. 2003 with Florian Cramer, Olga Goriunova, Alex McLean, Antoine Schmitt, Inke Arns
Live Algorithm Programming and a Temporary Organisation for Its Promotion with N. Collins, D. Griffiths, A. McLean, F. Olofsson, J. Rohrhuber, A.Ward
Low-fi guest selection (Curator’s essay). See Low-fi Net art Locator
Papers and Profiles
Software Art Reviews for and Readme Festivals (2003-2006)
Review: Cosmolalia with Olga Goriunova
Review: Outsource me with Olga Goriunova
Review: LYCAY
Review: Acme::EyeDrops
Review: Mindguard
Review: Visual Poetry
Review: Minimalistic
Review: Postmodernism Generator
Review: Homeland Security Threat Monitor
Review: Dasher
Review: Google Groups Art
Review: Unmovie
Review: AARON
Review: Bible (Alphabetical Order)
Review: Gogolchat
Review: Duff’s Device